Rank Higher on Google

Rank Higher on Google

How to Rank Higher on Google

When it comes to digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) reigns supreme.

While other strategies, such as social media and email marketing, can help you make more money, nothing beats ranking first in search results.

Google is by far the largest search engine, processing approximately 8.5 billion searches every day. So, if you want to optimize your website and content, follow the leader.

Unfortunately, Google is famously secretive regarding its algorithm and how it ranks the results on its homepage.

However, based on research and changes that occur following algorithm modifications, it is rather simple to determine what works and what does not.

As a business, you must understand how to maximize Google search results to drive traffic to your website.

Fortunately, we can explain how to rank higher on Google in seven simple steps. Let’s get started.

What is Google Ranking?

Google’s ranking criteria are intended to arrange billions of web pages to fulfill search intent by providing the most relevant and useful results in the quickest amount of time feasible.

Domains are ranked by Google’s algorithmic method, which examines a variety of characteristics to determine the quality, relevancy, and utility of a search query response.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Rank High on Google

Follow these strategies for increased Google organic rankings.

Step 1: Choose Reasonable Keywords

First and foremost, determine what you want to rank for. Of course, you want to rank for the terms that your ideal clients type into the search box. These are keywords, and you’ll need keyword research tools to determine which ones are realistic for you to rank for.

Here are the criteria involved in determining the ideal keywords to pursue for ranking on Google:

  • Volume: Volume refers to how many times the term is searched each month.
  • Competition: How difficult it is to rank for a specific term.
  • Your domain authority: Domain authority affects how easily you can rank for keywords. It will be easier if your site has been around for a long and you have consistently published high-quality content.
  • Relevance: There’s no purpose in ranking for a keyword that won’t drive quality traffic to your website.

Pro tip: If you’re just getting started with your SEO strategy, start with low volume, low competition keywords to acquire momentum and then gradually increase. What defines “low” varies by industry, but keywords in the 90-400 range may be a good place to start.

Begin Broad and Become More Niche – First, consider the search volume for generic terms and phrases. Then, seek for keywords that drill down into your unique value proposition, making it simpler to rank in the top five spots.
Pay Attention to Volume Trends – Some phrases get increasingly popular over time, while others fade away entirely. Consider a keyword’s history to establish its value for long-term success.
Use the “People Also Ask” feature – Google excels at delivering more information for your keyword research. By looking at the questions that users ask about your target keyword, you can determine their intent and select secondary keywords accordingly.

Step #2 : Improve Your On-page SEO

On-page SEO is one of the fastest strategies to boost your Google rankings.

This is because you can optimize your page in around two minutes. Within a few days, you should see an increase in your ranks.

Keyword placement:

Make sure your keyword appears in your meta title, meta description, at least two H2s, image file names, image alt text, URL, and naturally in the body of your webpage.

Google places somewhat greater importance on terms that appear early in your title tag. And they place less weight on keywords that appear later on.

Internal linking:

Include links to this page from at least three other pages on your website.
External linking: Include 1-3 links on your page to relevant, trustworthy websites.

Optimize your meta description:

Keep it between 155 and 165 characters long and explain the reader what they will get if they click on your page.

Content length:

Longer content tends to rank higher in search engines.
Make sure your page covers everything there is to know about optimizing a website for mobile devices.
The average Google first page result has 1,447 words.

Step#3 Target long-tail, question keywords

Long-tail keywords, in general, will hit the sweet spot in terms of volume and competition; however, long-tail question keywords are an added bonus because they provide opportunities to appear higher than the top results for broader, super-high-volume keywords—via the People Also Ask section.

For example, “social media marketing” has a 32K search volume (yow). WordStream is the top search result, followed by Sprout Social. The PAA part, however, is sandwiched between the two findings. If a reader expands on one of those questions, the page that answers it suddenly ranks higher than the #2 result in Google.

Step#4 Add LSI Keywords To Your Page

LSI keywords are an advanced on-page SEO technique and they’re working great right now.
So, what are LSI keywords?

They are words and phrases relevant to the theme of your page.
The LSI keywords tell Google that your content is genuinely on that issue.
And, as it turns out, covering a complete topic on a single page is KEY to ranking on the first page of Google.

Step #5: Publish High-Quality Content

You’ve probably heard that “you need to publish high-quality content” in order to rank in Google.
To rank higher on Google, you must ensure that your content is as useful as possible. To prove its worth, research your target audience and answer the question, “What do they want to get out of this interaction?”

Create content that people will genuinely link to.
From there, you may create a better website that will instantly attract your target market.

Finally, understand that content does not only apply to blog postings. Videos, e-books, webinars, and infographics are all types of material that can and should be optimized.

Taking a multimodal approach makes it easier to reach visitors from various backgrounds.

The most effective way to optimize this is to make your content useful and readable. This allows Google to take snippets of your text to generate answer-like results, such as the Featured Snippet, Passage Ranking, and even meta descriptions.

Use your header tags. Every website builder/CMS allows you to do so. To construct headers, use the H2 and H3 tags instead of simply raising the text size and weight.

Use specific headings. Unfortunately, SEO can sometimes limit creative thinking. A person should be able to acquire immediate answers by skimming over your article’s headlines.

The more easily a reader can extract information, the easier it is for Google to do the same. Use lists, bullet points, boldface, and headings.Like, a lot.

Visual content is GREAT for getting links.

I’m talking about stuff like:

  • Infographics
  • Maps
  • Charts
  • Flowcharts
  • Videos

Step#6 Improve page load speed

Nobody enjoys waiting for a page to load, and research suggests that 25% of visitors would abandon a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load, regardless of its reputation.

If a page takes five seconds to load, the bounce rate climbs by four times that of a page that loads in two seconds. A high bounce rate has an impact on how Google sees a page and how it ranks in the SERPs.

Reducing the number of CSS and JavaScript files on your page, as well as optimizing picture size and format, can all help increase page load speed.

Another effective method is to enable browser caching, which means that static files such as images and CSS are stored in the user’s cache. As a result, the next time they visit your site, it will load faster because no server request is required.

Step#7 Monitor Your Technical SEO

Technical SEO problems can significantly harm your site’s SEO.
A lot of technical SEO is done at the site level, but there are several page-level improvements you can do to boost your position, such as ensuring that your images are properly compressed and scaled and that there are no indexation issues. You may check a page’s Core Web Vitals, mobile usability, and other metrics directly in Search Console.

In addition, perform a manual mobile usability test—that is, visit the page from a mobile device to ensure the elements are rendering properly, rather than simply using Google’s mobile-friendliness checker. Some things a code-crawler will simply miss. It is critical to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Americans spend more than five hours every day on their mobile devices, checking their phones approximately 96 times.

Google considers mobile optimization a ranking factor, thus it’s important to deliver an efficient browsing experience for mobile viewers.

Make sure your website is responsive, loads quickly, and has an easy-to-use layout on mobile devices. Also, make sure the font size is appropriate, the forms are easy to fill out, and the input fields are mobile-friendly.

Step#8 Get backlinks

A backlink is a link to your page from another website, and it is a significant ranking element.If you create quality content and promote it on social media, you may already be receiving backlinks. But you can also be proactive in obtaining backlinks for specific pages.

Why is it important to rank high on Google?
It is possible and extremely helpful to rank high on Google and other search engines. Here are the top five advantages of ranking high on Google:

Get more organic clicks.

  • Statistically, top search results have an average CTR of 27.6%. Furthermore, the top result for a search query is 10 times more likely to receive a click.

Reduced marketing costs.

  • Inbound marketing takes time because it entails developing long-term relationships with customers through the creation of content and information tailored to potential prospects. As a digital marketer, inbound marketing takes time and may yield modest returns per lead.
  • Higher Google rankings dramatically minimize the time and resources required to reach a larger pool of prospects, while also supplementing your social media marketing efforts.

A positive business reputation and image.

High organic traffic enhances a brand’s image by demonstrating trust and quality in a product/content to both current and prospective customers. In summary, the highest ranking reflects reliability, relevance, utility, and credibility.

Boost Business Authenticity.

Top rankings indicate that customers interact with your products, services, and information. From a psychology and commercial standpoint, a recognized brand fosters acceptance through true relationships formed through interactions with website visitors.

Market Competitive Advantage
Increased traffic leads to more sales, higher conversion rates, and greater brand awareness than competitors.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Does Google prefer new content?

Freshness is solely a ranking consideration for pages that address time-sensitive and topical themes, such as seasonal celebrations. If recency offers little or no value to the search query, no amount of more information will help you outrank an older but more authoritative result.

How long does it take for material to rank on Google?

Operating under the assumption that your material is of high quality and relevant to the industry, and that your website is fully optimized for search engines, it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months to rank. However, if there is severe competition and no adequately optimized website, the period may be extended beyond 12 months.


So, I hope you appreciated my step-by-step method to ranking higher in Google.
Use these strategies to rank high, higher, and higher in order to create authority in your niche and achieve your website traffic and conversion goals.

  1. Choose reasonable keywords
  2. Improve Your On-page SEO
  3. Target long-tail, question keywords
  4. Add LSI Keywords To Your Page
  5. Publish High-Quality Content
  6. Improve page load speed
  7. Monitor Your Technical SEO
  8. Get backlinks.

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